en went to the Sacred Beast Ancient Region and passed by that hell gate when returning!" Shen Xiang frowned, saying, "It’s strange because the people from Night Terror Hell are attacking Dragon Gate n...Chapter 1996: Your Medicine Is Problematic
第190章 幫個忙
Chapter 190: Asking for a Favor
I assumed they would avoid me, but surprisingly, they came looking for my help.由得笑了。他冇想到蕭仇這小子終於開竅,有了心上人。馮羽潔知道蕭仇的事情。蕭仇是沈翔的徒弟,還是大力神的後代,擁有著非常強大的大力神脈傳承。實力十分可怕,和沈翔一樣都是變態的傢夥。如今還進入至尊神殿,成為魂堂中的優秀弟子。櫃檯老者看著被蕭仇踩得胸骨斷裂的中年,聲音沉了下去:“這是怎麼回事?“長老……我…不小心。"見這中年眼神閃爍,老者眉頭一皺。聲音更加冰冷:“老實點。“是。"這中年一承認,老者就揮手...