Dongliu Jianzun, however, remained quite calm. He said, "There are many top experts from the Blade Prison Realm and the Purple Mansion Realm stationed here, enough to deal with them. Let's first find a way to take possession of the Holy Mansion.",The spiral-shaped glacier was shattered by the iron rod, and even the water tribe's half-step Saint King was impacted, taking seven consecutive steps back, each step spanning dozens of meters. 。The Water Clan's Demi-Saint King's body, appeared with several cracks, he was actually lightly injured. 。"Wow, that's amazing!" 。The Water Clan's Demihuman Saint King spread his arms wide, hastily erecting a water sphere with a diameter of a hundred meters to protect his body within. 。",Zhang Ruochin soared out of the Golden Stepped Dragon Palanquin like a great peng spreading its wings. The space before him twisted and warped, becoming a swirling vortex.。