"Hmph, so what if she's back Miss Qin, the second daughter of the Qin family, is a famous socialite in Haishi. I heard that even Master Guo, the renowned painter, has taken an interest in her and wants to take her on as his disciple. How can someone who has fallen from grace compare to Phoenix",Zhou Yi watched them leave and let out a faint sigh. "Tell your boss that as long as they don't set foot in our country, I won't interfere. ~After all, I don't have time for such things.",The gatekeeper and servants complained as they walked, lamenting the difficulty of this mountain path. It was littered with duck droppings! For a butler serving a second-rate noble family, it truly was a thankless task. While their lives weren't as extravagant as those of the master and mistress, they were still considerably better off than ordinary people. If not for the sudden appearance of this new "young lady," this old man wouldn't have to endure such hardships.。